June 18, 2024


SANTA ANA, Calif. Today, following the Biden Administration’s announcement of executive action to ensure that U.S. citizens with noncitizen spouses and children can keep their families together, Representative Lou Correa (CA-46), the top Democrat on the House Border Security and Enforcement Subcommittee, released the following statement: 

“To say today’s announcement is long-overdue would be an understatement. The individuals impacted today are the backbone of the United States economy—and this will serve as a shot in the arm to the American economy at a time when we’re facing record-low unemployment and a worker shortage,” Correa said. “It also serves as an incredible relief to countless hard-working taxpayers who’ve lived and worked in this country for decades as they’ve awaited pathways to legal status-–for them and their children. Now it’s Congress’ turn: to step up and deliver legal pathways to citizenship.”
